UserFavorite final class UserFavorite : Model, @unchecked Sendable A Pivot holding a sibllings relation between User and another User. Show on GitHub schema Declaration Swift static let schema: String Show on GitHub Properties id The ID of the pivot. Declaration Swift @UserFavorite .ID var id: UUID? { get set } Show on GitHub Relations user The associated User who has favorited another User. Declaration Swift @UserFavorite .Parent var user: User { get set } Show on GitHub favorite The associated User that was favorited. Declaration Swift @UserFavorite .Parent var favorite: User { get set } Show on GitHub Initialization init() Declaration Swift init() Show on GitHub init(userID:favoriteUserID:) Initializes a new TwarrtLikes pivot. Declaration Swift init(userID: UUID, favoriteUserID: UUID) throws Parameters userID The ID of the User that performed the favorite action.. favorite The ID of the User that was favorited.. Show on GitHub