final class AlertWord : Model, @unchecked Sendable
Admins can create Announcements, which are text strings intended to be shown to all users. All announcements have a ‘display until’ time, and are considered ‘active’ until their display until time expires.
Announcement IDs are ints, and increase with each announcement created. The
model stores the highest Announcement ID the user has seen.Announcements are global, and are retrieveable while logged out. However, endpoints returning announcement data will only return all active announcements for logged-out users. Logged-in users will additionally get data indicating which announcements are unread. Clients may implement local solutions for determining which announcements are unread for logged-out users.
See Also: AnnouncementData the DTO for returning info on Announcements.See
See Also: AnnouncementCreateData the DTO for creating and editing Announcements.See
See Also: CreateAnnouncementSchema the Migration that creates the Announcement table in the database.Declaration
final class Announcement : Model, @unchecked Sendable
A boardgame in the Games Library.
See moreDeclaration
final class Boardgame : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
Categories are used to organize Twit-arr
s into a managable structure. AllForum
s belong to a singleCategory
has a minimum userAccessLevel required to view the Category or view forums in the Category. EachCategory
also has a minimum userAccessLevel required to create new forums in the Category.See
See Also: CategoryData the DTO for returning info on Categories.See
See Also: CreateCategorySchema the Migration for creating the Category table in the database.Declaration
final class Category : Model, @unchecked Sendable
Every day during the cruise, there’s a theme. This model lets us store the themes for each day, with a bit of text explaining the theme and an image related to the theme somehow.
For an 8 day cruise, there shouldn’t be more than ~10 of these records. Each day of the cruise tends to have an ‘officall’ theme day, and it might be appropriate to add unofficial themes for a day or two before embarkation?
See Also: DailyThemeData the DTO for returning info on DailyThemes.See
See Also: DailyThemeUploadData the DTO for mutating DailyThemes..See
See Also: CreateDailyThemeSchema the Migration for creating the DailyTheme table in the database.Declaration
final class DailyTheme : Model, @unchecked Sendable
on the official schedule, imported from’s.ics
See Also: EventData the DTO for returning info on Events.See
See Also: CreateEventSchema the Migration for creating the Event table in the database.See
See Also: EventTypeDeclaration
An individual post within a
discussion. A FezPost must contain text content and may also contain image content, unless the Fez is of typeFezType.closed
, in which case the post may not contain images.See
See Also: FezPostData the DTO for returning info on FezPosts. FezPostData is also a member ofFezData
See Also: CreateFezPostSchema the Migration for creating the FezPost table in the database.Declaration
final class FezPost : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
extension FezPost: ContentFilterable
extension FezPost: Reportable
When a
is edited, aForumEdit
is created to save the previous title text.This is done for accountability purposes and the data collected is intended to be viewable only by users with an access level of
or above.See
See Also: ForumModerationData the DTO for returning data moderators need to moderate forums.See
See Also: CreateForumEditSchema the Migration for creating the ForumEdit table in the database.Declaration
final class ForumEdit : Model, @unchecked Sendable
When a
is edited, aForumPostEdit
is created and associated with the post.This is done for accountability purposes and the data collected is intended to be viewable only by users with an access level of
or above.See
See Also: ForumPostModerationData the DTO for returning data moderators need to moderate ForumPosts. Specifically, see the PostEditLogData sub-struct.See
See Also: CreateForumPostEditSchema the Migration for creating the ForumPostEdit table in the database.Declaration
final class ForumPostEdit : Model, @unchecked Sendable
An individual post within a
. A ForumPost must contain text content and may also contain image content.Posts have a
that moderators can change to perform moderation actdions.When a post is edited, a
is created to save the pre-edit state of the post.See
See Also: PostData the DTO for returning basic data on ForumPosts.See
See Also: PostDetailData the DTO for returning extended data on ForumPosts.See
See Also: PostContentData the DTO for creating ForumPosts.See
See Also: CreateForumPostSchema the Migration for creating the ForumPost table in the database.Declaration
final class ForumPost : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
extension ForumPost: ContentFilterable
extension ForumPost: Reportable
A collection of
s on a single topic. Only the forum’s creator or a moderator can edit a forum’s title. Only moderators can can change a forum’smoderationStatus
See Also: ForumData the DTO for returning detailed info on Forums.See
See Also: ForumListData the DTO for returning basic info on Forums. Mostly, ForumListData does not include posts.See
See Also: ForumCreateData the DTO for creating forums.See
See Also: CreateForumSchema the Migration for creating the Forum table in the database.Declaration
When the TEXT FIELDS of a
are edited, aFriendlyFezEdit
is created to save the previous values of its text fields. Edits that only modify other fields of a fez–start/end time, type of fez, min/max number of participants–do not cause a FriendlyFezEdit to be created.This is done for accountability purposes and the data collected is intended to be viewable only by moderators.
See Also: FezModerationData the DTO for returning data moderators need to moderate fezzes. Specifically, the sub-struct FezEditLogData delivers values from theFriendlyFezEdit
See Also: CreateFriendlyFezEditSchema the Migration for creating the FriendlyFezEdit table in the database.Declaration
final class FriendlyFezEdit : Model, @unchecked Sendable
A FriendlyFez (Fez for short) is a multi person chat facilty.
Broadly speaking, Fezzes may be open or closed, chosen at creation time.
- Open fezzes generally have a publicly stated purpose, and may be for an event at a specific time and place. Open fezzes allow users to join and leave the fez at any time. Open fezzes may have posts with images, and can get moderated by mods. There is a search API for finding and joining public fezzes.
- Closed fezzes have a membership set at creation time (by the fez creator), and cannot have images in posts. Closed fezzes are very similar to V2’s Seamail facility.
Considered but not yet built are semi-open fezzes:
A semi-open fez would allow users to join after creation, but either the creator would have to invite new members or perhaps users could join via an invite link. Semi-open fezzes would not be searchable, would not be moderated, could not have images. Importantly, semi-open fezzes would indicate their semi-open state to their members, so that current members would know the membership list could change. New members to a semi-open fez would be able to read all past messages.
See Also: FezData the DTO for returning basic data on Fezzes.
See Also: FezContentData the DTO for creating or editing Fezzes.
See Also: CreateFriendlyFezSchema the Migration for creating the Fez table in the database.
final class FriendlyFez : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
extension FriendlyFez: Reportable
A related set of Puzzles.
See moreDeclaration
final class Hunt : Model, @unchecked Sendable
This is the object a Karaoke Manager makes when they log a karaoke performance in the Karaoke Lounge.
The played song is related to a song in the Karaoke Library, and the Manager records the name(s) of the karaoke singer(s). A timestamp is added automatically.
See moreDeclaration
final class KaraokePlayedSong : Model, @unchecked Sendable
A song in the Karaoke Jukebox. The Jukebox has ~25000 songs; rather too many to let users browse without searching. For Heroku deploys there’s an alternate import file that only import ~1000 songs. This is due to Heroku’s free tier limiting us to 10000 database rows.
See moreDeclaration
final class KaraokeSong : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
Each time a moderator performs a moderation action–editing, locking, or deleting a post, forum, or fez, changing a user’s access level, issuing a temp quarantine, or other moderation-only activities, we log the action by creating one of these records in the database..
The data collected may only be viewed by moderators. The intent is to make it easier for mods to coordinate.
See Also: ModeratorActionLogData the DTO for returning data about moderator actions.See
See Also: CreateModeratorActionSchema the Migration for creating the ModeratorAction table in the database.Declaration
final class ModeratorAction : Model, @unchecked Sendable
final class MuteWord : Model, @unchecked Sendable
When a
is edited, aProfileEdit
is created and associated with the profile. TheProfileEdit
records the state of the profile just before the edit occurred.This is done for accountability purposes and the data collected is intended to be viewable only by users with an access level of
or above.See
See Also: CreateProfileEditSchema the Migration for creating the ProfileEdit table in the database.Declaration
final class ProfileEdit : Model, @unchecked Sendable
A Puzzle is a member of a hunt which has an answer. It may also have hints which are shown but not stored if
See moreDeclaration
final class Puzzle : Model, @unchecked Sendable
associates a specific pre-generated code with a specificUser
account, as well as tracks when the association occurred.To maintain accountability for conduct on Twit-arr, a user must first register their primary account before gaining the ability to post any content, either public or private. This is done with a unique registration code provided to each participant by Management. The full set of codes (which contain no identifying information) is provided to the Twit-arr admins prior to the event, and they are loaded by a
See moreMigration
during system startup.Declaration
final class RegistrationCode : Model, @unchecked Sendable
Twit-arr moderation relies in part on user-submitted reports of content and/or behavior which does not conform to community standards. A
can be submitted for Moderator review on any of: an individualTwarrt
, an entireForum
, aFezPost
, or aUser
(such as for general behavioral pattern, or their profile contents).The
is always the user’s primary user ID. An individual post can only be reported once per primary user. There is no per user restriction on the number of reports of a particularForum
field is a string value, because the entity being reported may have either a UUID or an integer based ID, which is determined via the.reportType
.The lifecycle flow of
s is:- Created by submitter
- Viewed by a moderator in a list of open reports
- Moderator takes the report (handledBy is set to the moderator’s UUID). Other mods should be able to see the report is being handled.
- Moderator modifies content, quarantines content, warns user, bans user, or takes some other action.
- Moderator fills in actionTaken field and closes the report.
final class Report : Model, @unchecked Sendable
model says that at a specific UTC Date the ship will adopt a given timezone, specified by abbreviation and UTC offset.The ‘current’ TimeZoneChange is the one with the a start date in the most recent past. The timezone indicated by the current TimeZoneChange is in force until the next (in Date order) TimeZoneChange becomes current.
See moreDeclaration
final class TimeZoneChange : Model, @unchecked Sendable
model associates a randomly generated string with aUser
.A Token is generated upon each login, and revoked by deletion upon each logout. The
See more.token
value is used in between those events in an HTTP Bearer Authorization header field to authenticate the user sending API requests. There is no identifying user info in a.token
; the association to a specificUser
is done internally on the API server through this model.Declaration
final class Token : Model, @unchecked Sendable
extension Token: ModelTokenAuthenticatable
When a
is edited, aTwarrtEdit
is created and associated with the twarrt.This is done for accountability purposes and the data collected is intended to be viewable only by users with an access level of
See more.moderator
or above.Declaration
final class TwarrtEdit : Model, @unchecked Sendable
An individual post in the Twitarr stream. Posts must contain text content, and may also contain images.
Twarrts are content that can be quarantined or locked by moderators. A quarantined twarrt will have its contents replaced with a quarantine message, and will not have any images. A locked twarrt can only be modified by moderators. When edited, twarrts create edit records showing previous state for moderation purposes.
V2 of Twitarr (and, actual Twitter) have tweet replies that work as a directed acyclic graph. Any tweet can be created as a reply to an existing tweet, a tweet can have multiple direct reply tweets, and a tweet can be both a reply to another tweet and the target of other replies. V3 doesn’t work that way. A new twarrt replying to a twarrt not already in a Reply Group creates a Reply Group, and both the replied–to and reply twarrt have their
set to the ID of the replied-to twarrt. A reply to a twarrt already in a Reply Group gets added to the Reply Group.This means that any twarrt that has a non-null replyGroup has a thread can can be retrieved. It also means that replies are one level deep–a reply to a reply is not considered differernt than a 2 replies to a single twarrt.
See Also: TwarrtData the DTO for returning basic data on Twarrts.See
See Also: TwarrtDetailData the DTO for returning basic data on Twarrts.See
See Also: PostData the DTO for creating or editing Twarrts.See
See Also: CreateTwarrtSchema the Migration for creating the Twarrts table in the database.Declaration
final class Twarrt : Model, Searchable, @unchecked Sendable
extension Twarrt: ContentFilterable
extension Twarrt: Reportable
is intended as a free-form text field that will appear on aUserProfile
, in which the viewingUser
can make notes about the profile’s user.It is not visible to the profile’s owner nor to any other user; it is for the viewing user’s use only. In other words, different users viewing the same profile will each see their own viewer-specific
See moreUserNote
final class UserNote : Model, @unchecked Sendable
is intended as a free-form test field that will appear on aUserProfile
, in which the viewingUser
can make notes about the profile’s user.It is not visible to the profile’s owner nor to any other user; it is for the viewing user’s use only. In other words, different users viewing the same profile will each see their own viewer-specific
See moreUserNote
final class UserRole : Model, @unchecked Sendable
All accounts are of class
.The terms “account” and “sub-account” used throughout this documentatiion are all instances of User. The terms “primary account”, “parent account” and “master account” are used interchangeably to refer to any account that is not a sub-account.
A primary account holds the access level, verification token and recovery key, and all sub-accounts (if any) inherit these three credentials.
are provisioned automatically, by the model protocols andUsersController
account creation handlers respectively..createdAt
are all maintained automatically by the model protocols and should never be otherwise modified.Declaration
final class User : Model, @unchecked Sendable
extension User: Reportable
extension User: ModelAuthenticatable
extension User: ModelSessionAuthenticatable