
public struct ErrorResponse : Codable, Error

All errors returned in HTTP responses use this structure.

Some server errors (such as 404s) may not have any payload in the response body, but for any HTTP error response that has a payload, the payload will have this strcture.

error is always true, reason concatenates all errors into a single string, and fieldErrors breaks errors up by field name of the request’s body content, if available. Only content validation errors actaully use fieldErrors. Field-specific validation errors are keyed by the path to the field that caused the error. Validation errors that aren’t specific to an input field (e.g. an error indicating that one of two fields may be empty, but not both) are all concatenated and placed into a general key in fieldErrors. This means that all field errors are both in error (concatenated into a single string), and also in fieldErrors (split into fields).


If the request body has validation errors, the error response should list all validation errors at once. However, other errors that may prevent a successful action will not be included. For instance, a user might try creating a Forum with empty fields. The error response will indicate that both Title and Text fields need values. After fixing those issues, the user could still get an error becuase they are quarantined and not authorized to create posts.
  • Always true to indicate this is a non-typical JSON response.



    var error: Bool
  • The HTTP status code.



    var status: UInt
  • The reason for the error. Displayable to the user.



    var reason: String
  • Optional dictionary of field errors; mostly used for input JSON validation failures. A request with JSON content that fails validation may have field-level errors here, keyed by the keypath to the fields that failed validation.



    var fieldErrors: [String : String]?