
Please keep the JoCo Cruise Code of Conduct in mind and be excellent to each other.


Anybody should feel free to open or comment on an issue! This is the preferred place to consolidate discussion related specifically to the Swiftarr API backend or website. Questions, general feedback, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, and proposed changes are all fair game.

While it is the preferred location, a (free) GitHub account is required to participate there directly. The Twit-arr developers collectively participate in (or at least monitor to some extent) related Discord channels (#twitarr), various Facebook groups, and the feedback forums within Twit-arr itself when it is active.


Contributions to Swiftarr are absolutely welcome! Some general guidelines:

  1. Fork the repo, do your changes, submit a PR.
  2. Unless you know what you’re doing or are tackling many issues at once, it is better to do smaller PRs than larger ones. It helps us review quicker.
  3. Please try to swift-format your code before submitting. We are in the process of retro-formatting everything now that we have a common style guide (.swift-format config at root of repo).
  4. Your changes should have at least passed some live sanity checking. We will ask you about it.
  5. Ask in Discord or on an issue here if you need anything!

Test Environment

A demo/test instance is usually available at Contact the Twitarr Team via Discord for access.