
public struct BoardgameRecommendationData : Content

Parameters for the game recommender engine. Pass these values in, get back a BoardgameResponseData with a list of games filtered to match the criteria, and sorted based on how well they match the criteria. The sort takes into account each games’ overall rating from BGG, the recommended number of players (not just min and max allowed players), the average playtime, and the complexity score of the game.

Sent to these methods as the JSON request body:

  • GET /api/v3/boardgames/recommend
  • How many players are going to play



    var numPlayers: Int
  • How much time they have, in minutes



    var timeToPlay: Int
  • If nonzero, limit results to games appropriate for this player age. Does not factor into the sort criteria. That is, if you request games appropriate for 14 years olds, games appropriate for ages 18 and older will be filtered out, but games appropriate for ages 1 and up won’t be ranked any lower than games rated for 14 year olds.



    var maxAge: Int
  • If nonzero, filter OUT games with a minAge lower than this age. Useful for filtering out games intended for young children. Does not factor into the sort criteria.



    var minAge: Int
  • Desired complexity in the range [1…5], or zero to not consider complexity in rankings.



    var complexity: Int