
struct EventTimeTag : LeafTag

Returns a string descibing when an event is taking place. Shows both the start and end time.

Events come to us from the Sched dump which THO populates as “consistent-boat-EST-based-UTC”. Meaning that the raw values from Sched are in UTC and the events are scheduled for EST and not adjusted for any time-zone changes. This means that on any day where the boat (display) time zone changes the Sched is off by that offset. Since EST is given as the reference point for timezoneless time on the ship we call that “Port Time” and always render events based on that perspective so that it will be consistent.

For 2022 a munger was developed so that the days of odd time zones get their UTC times adjusted by the difference between Port Timezone and AST (which was our only transition). As such there is currently no functional difference between EvenTimeTag and FezTimeTag. It is being left in the code so that some day we can define programatic timezone transitions and not have to do munging of the input.

Usage in Leaf templates:: #eventTime(startTime, endTime) -> String