
func recommendGames(_ req: Request) async throws -> BoardgameResponseData

POST /api/v3/boardgames/recommend

Returns an array of boardgames in a structure designed to support pagination. The returned array of board games will be sorted in decreasing order of how closely each games matches the criteria in the BoardgameRecommendationData JSON content. Can be called while not logged in; if logged in favorite information is returned.

The recommendation algorithom filters out games that don’t match the given criteria, i.e. if you ask for games for 6 players, games for 1-4 players will not be returned. Then, games are assigned a score taking each games’ suggestedNumPlayers, avgPlayingTime, avgRating, and gameComplexity into account.

URL Query Parameters

  • ?start=INT - Offset from start of results set
  • ?limit=INT - the maximum number of games to retrieve: 1-200, default is 50.

Return Value
