
func forumSearchHandler(_ req: Request) async throws -> ForumSearchData

GET /api/v3/forum/search

Retrieve all Forums in all categories that match the specified criteria. Results will be sorted by most recent post time by default.. Does not return results from categories for which the user does not have access.

URL Query Parameters:

  • ?search=STRING - Matches forums with STRING in their title.
  • ?category=UUID - Limit results to forums in given category. Adding this multiple times ORs all categories together
  • ?creatorself - Matches forums created by the current user..
  • ?creator=STRING - Matches forums created by the given username. Adding this multiple times ORs all forum creators together
  • ?creatorid=UUID - Matches forums created by the given userID. Adding this multiple times ORs all forum creators together
  • ?favorite - Limit results to forums that are favorited by the current user.
  • ?mute - Limit results to forums that are muted by the current user.
  • ?searchposts=STRING - Matches FORUMS where any post in the forum contains the given search string.
  • ?unread - Limit resuts to forums that have posts the current user hasn’t read
  • ?posted - Matches forums where the current user posted.

  • ?start=INT - The index into the array of forums to start returning results. 0 for first forum.

  • ?limit=INT - The max # of entries to return. Defaults to 50. Clamped to a max value set in Settings.

  • ?sort=[create, update, title] - Sort forums by create, update, or title. Create and update return newest forums first.



In the URL path.

Return Value

A ForumSearchData containing all matching forums.