
func personalEventsHandler(_ req: Request) async throws -> [PersonalEventData]

All handlers in this route group require a valid HTTP Bearer Authentication header in the request. GET /api/v3/personalevents

Retrieve the PersonalEvents the user has access to, sorted by .startTime. By default this returns all events that the user has created or was added to.

URL Query Parameters:

  • ?cruiseday=INT Embarkation day is day 1, value should be less than or equal to Settings.shared.cruiseLengthInDays, which will be 8 for the 2022 cruise.
  • ?search=STRING Returns events whose title or description contain the given string.
  • ?owned=BOOLEAN Returns events only that the user has created. Mutually exclusive with joined.
  • ?joined=BOOLEAN Returns events only that the user has joined. Mutually exclusive with owned.

Return Value

An array of PersonalEeventData containing the PersonalEvents.